Good Night Yin
According to the Chinese medicine system, there are 12 meridians in relation to each organ in the body. Each meridian has a specific time when they are most active. One is advised to be asleep by 11 pm to allow the gall bladder and liver to perform activities related to detoxification in order to maintain good health.
However, it can be challenging for busy urbanites to wind down and be ready for sleep by that time. Ever laid in bed and find your mind buzzing with thoughts?
This is a weekly 75-minute online Yin class held a little later at night so that you have time to eat dinner, attend to tasks then wind down and sleep after practice.
​In Sep, we will focus on finding a sense of balance through classic Yin postures and breathing techniques to balance our inner energies.
This class aims to:
Help you release tension in the body
Create space for the mind to settle down
Develop healthy sleeping habits
Improve sleep quality
This also means you can:
Be ready to head to bed right after practice
Save on commuting time
practice in the comfort of your own home.
Practice in comfortable attire (including your pyjamas!)
Date & Time:
Every Sunday
9.00 - 10.15 pm
Online via Zoom with 7 days' recording access
Suitable For:
All levels
There are 2 ways to join this class.
Yinsider member : Complimentary. Find out more about the membership here.
Single drop in : SGD $18. Book here.